投資のお勉強 !!!!


投資のお勉強 7月4日 インデックス投資の出口戦略 4%ルールについて

「今日のお勉強」インデックス投資の出口戦略 4%ルールについて

  • 投資信託の出口戦略を両学長のYoutubeで教えてもらった。トリニティスタディの結果より、資産の4%を定額か定率で取り崩せば30年以内であれば安全である。しかし、50%以上は株に当てなければならない。3.5%であればほとんどの人にとって安全である。例として3.5%Withdrowal rateで30年以上の100%株であれば開始時の約6倍の資産を残せる可能性がある、


Reference; Updated Trinity Study for 2021 – More Withdrawal Rates!


  • With all these results, we can have several important conclusions.First of all, the paper’s original conclusions still hold even with much more data taken into account. And it still stands accurate up to 2020! It is great since it shows that the 4% rule of thumb still works! If you increase the simulation time to more than 30 years, a 4% withdrawal rate is no longer safe. With 50 years of retirement, you have a 90% chance of success with a 4% withdrawal rate at most. A withdrawal rate of around 3.5% would be safer for most people. If you want real chances of success, you will need more than 50% of your portfolio allocated to stocks. The stocks are what allow us to fight inflation and cover the withdrawal rate year after year.